Treat yourself to some fresh flowers!
#Florist #Miami #Flowers
Seems like we were just celebrating Thanksgiving Day and now Valentine's Day 2023 is almost here!
#Florist #ValemtinesDay
New baby flowers by yours truly.
#Florist #Miami #NewBaby
Fancy Flowers Gift Shop Arrangements
Where do you want to send flowers today?
Flowers featuring Calla lilies and eucalyptus. π
Arreglo floral para niΓ±a que nacio hoy. π
Happy Birthday Ms Perez! π
Does anyone recognize this? π Let us know in the comments below! #Florist
Make a statement with Fancy Flowers! πΉ
This is how we do! Fresh flowers floral arrangements by yours truly! Let us design something for you.
Entrega de flores a domicilio sin contacto.
Check out the timeline below to see how close we are to Valentine's Day 2022! We highly recommend you order your Valentine's Day flowers no later than Pro Bowl weekend
#Florist #ValentinesDay
How about a little Friday night shopping?
"Purple Blush" comes in 3 different sizes so you can pick one to match the occasion.
#Florist #Hialeah #Orchids
Back to School Flowers: All 3 arrangements will be added to our online store shortly. Message us if you'd like to place your order before then.
#Florist #BackToSchool
When you want fresh flowers delivered the same day, you can count on us at Fancy Flowers!
It's never too late to order flowers for your loved ones. πΉ
#Florist #Hialeah #MiamiLakes
Surprise them with flowers!
Contact us early, contact us today.
#Florist #Hialeah #Miramar
Enjoyed tonightβs fireworks in #MiamiLakes
Happy Independence Day!
#Florist #4thOfJuly #IndependenceDay
Have you been to our shop lately? π