Event In Site, LLC

Event In Site, LLC We help our association, business & non-profit clients with in-person & virtual events. The Graceland Blvd address is a PO Box.

Event In Site, LLC is a full-service meeting and event management company specializing in association, business and non-profit meetings, conferences and fundraisers. Please contact us for the physical address.

If you are looking for a fun, low-key group outing or team-building event, I highly recommend . I hosted a client networ...

If you are looking for a fun, low-key group outing or team-building event, I highly recommend . I hosted a client networking happy hour there last night. Everyone loved it, the staff was awesome, and we brought in catering from , which everyone raved about. Definitely check it out if you need a fun event for your clients or team.

We love planning events like this. Our clients conference hosted a private dinner last night under the wings of the Pres...

We love planning events like this. Our clients conference hosted a private dinner last night under the wings of the Presidential planes. We also had time to explore the after-hours. Our attendees were blown away by the museum, the food and the staff.

Currently digging into this book about how we can create moments that matter. I usually struggle with non-fiction and th...

Currently digging into this book about how we can create moments that matter. I usually struggle with non-fiction and this one has lots of wisdom and has kept me engaged and thinking about how I can apply it to my work and business. A great read for creatives and event designers.

Hey! I'm Sheila & I make life easier for clients by executing industry events guests want to attend. Based in Columbus, ...

Hey! I'm Sheila & I make life easier for clients by executing industry events guests want to attend. Based in Columbus, here's what makes living and working in Ohio the best:

✨ I love that Columbus is a big city with a small-town vibe. It's the best of both worlds!

✨ There's a ton to do and places to visit, but we almost always run into friends anywhere we go.

✨ Midwestern hospitality is the real deal! Service providers are tight-knit and always looking to help each other out—it's all about community and collaboration over competition.

🌍 Where do YOU call home?


Thanks to  for hosting this morning’s Business Networking breakfast & sharing the business behind MLS soccer and its pos...

Thanks to for hosting this morning’s Business Networking breakfast & sharing the business behind MLS soccer and its positive impact on our city. Can’t wait to bring a group to Lower.com Field!

Back at  hosting a client event at a  game! Let’s go Jackets!

Back at hosting a client event at a game! Let’s go Jackets!

secrets revealed ✨ -

secrets revealed ✨ -

Thinking of launching your own business? Check out these top 5 tips to ensure success.

Our latest newsletter!In-person events are back 💫 -

Our latest newsletter!
In-person events are back 💫 -

Here's YOU you need to know before attending your next conference.

Coordinating a conference? Plan ahead for the best possible speaker experience by…3️⃣ Nailing Technical Details >> If yo...

Coordinating a conference? Plan ahead for the best possible speaker experience by…

3️⃣ Nailing Technical Details

>> If your presenter plans to bring their own laptop, be sure to have the correct adapter for the LCD projector. This is especially important if they bring a Macbook.

>> It's much easier and less stressful to get slides from presenters in advance and not switch out laptops after each presenter. Your A/V techs will thank you!

More Top 10 Ways to Empower Conference Speakers to come! 💫

New Series - Top 10 Ways to Empower Conference Speakers, Part 2!Even seasoned professional speakers can benefit from sma...

New Series - Top 10 Ways to Empower Conference Speakers, Part 2!

Even seasoned professional speakers can benefit from smart practices to calm their nerves (and yours!) leading up to the big event. Let's keep the expertise rolling with a new tip:

2️⃣ Secure Slides

>> Request presentation slides in advance. Inquire about video, sound, and any other relevant presentation elements.

>> Prepare slides on the laptop that will be connected to the projector and test everything out for audio and visual quality before the event to allow time for troubleshooting.

All this effort will pay off when you can feel proud of a seamless presentation at your next event! 💫

What I'm Reading: The 5-Second Rule by .I've been carving out 10 minutes a day to read non-fiction every day for the las...

What I'm Reading: The 5-Second Rule by .

I've been carving out 10 minutes a day to read non-fiction every day for the last few years. This is my current pick, and it's got me thinking.

Here's the gist: Transform your life by taking action. Count down from 5 to 1, and then do the thing. This can be applied to negative thoughts, tasks, projects, difficult conversations, or even getting out of bed in the morning.

Counting down eliminates the time to change your mind or think of an excuse. Just get it done, already!

Excited to apply this to all aspects of my life.

What have you read lately that is impacting your work or personal development? 📚 I'm always looking to add books to my "to-be-read" pile!

New Series! Top 10 Ways to Empower Conference SpeakersYou want to provide the best possible experience for your audience...

New Series! Top 10 Ways to Empower Conference Speakers

You want to provide the best possible experience for your audience and your speakers. We do too! That's why we're sharing the Top 10 Ways to Empower Conference Speakers, starting with:

1️⃣ Communicate Industry Insights

💻 Coordinate a Zoom or call with presenters and share valuable insights about your group from key demographics and industry trends to anything else that might help them personalize their presentation to your audience.

👋🏻 Offer to introduce presenters to a few leaders willing to connect in advance to hear directly from participants. Audiences appreciate when a presenter takes the time to tailor their remarks and show they've made an effort to understand their background.

Stay tuned for more conference speaker tips in the days ahead. 💫

When I first started my business and was working from home, *every* little thing around the house was a distraction… “Ho...

When I first started my business and was working from home, *every* little thing around the house was a distraction…

“How did that junk drawer get so messy? I better clean it out now!”

Setting a daily schedule and learning to focus are key to unlocking more consistent productivity. Now that you’re on your own, it's time to step up.

✔️ Self-discipline and routine are must-haves.

Consider every task on your list one step closer to where you want to go. Lean into the hours of the day you feel most naturally productive and reward yourself for wins big and small.

If you have an especially tough challenge on your list, it can be helpful to get it done first. The positive energy and pride you feel after crushing a tough task can take you a long way.

You got this! 💪🏼

Being your own boss is HARD WORK—but it's also worth it! Setting my own schedule allows me to help care for family membe...

Being your own boss is HARD WORK—but it's also worth it! Setting my own schedule allows me to help care for family members, raise 2 amazing kids, and show up for the people I care about.

Want the same freedom and flexibility?

✔️ Make time for yourself.

In the early days (and years) the work will ALWAYS be there. So, be sure to put down your phone, turn off your computer, and spend time doing the things you love with the people you love.

Perform at your best by preventing burnout. Your health and happiness are worth it. 🙌

Going out on your own is exciting *and* terrifying. The gig economy is in full effect and becoming your own boss has nev...

Going out on your own is exciting *and* terrifying. The gig economy is in full effect and becoming your own boss has never been more possible!

✔️ Once you make the decision, be sure to keep personal and business finances separate.

This seems like a no-brainer but can easily get muddled. Get a business checking, savings, and credit card.

Use them strictly for business. Your accountant (and future self!) will thank you.

>> Fellow biz owners, what's the #1 advice you think new entrepreneurs need to know?

Thinking about starting your own business? It can be a rocky road but an incredibly rewarding one. Next up in Secrets to...

Thinking about starting your own business? It can be a rocky road but an incredibly rewarding one. Next up in Secrets to Amplify Your Success…

✔️ When you're ready to quit—keep going.

Just when things seem too hard, or too challenging, THAT’S when you’re about to hit a major milestone or learn an important lesson that changes everything.

>> For me, that point was being able to let go of a client who'd been making me miserable for far too long. Been there? Cut the cord to create space for a better-fit opportunity!

🌟 Scope out the Event In Site blog for a free bank of business resources and clear action items now.

Now sharing the best lessons across 15+ years in business, starting with this game-changing secret: ✔️ Build a team you ...

Now sharing the best lessons across 15+ years in business, starting with this game-changing secret:

✔️ Build a team you trust (yes, even if you’re a solopreneur).

Focus on your big 3:
🌟 Mentor
💰 Accountant
⚖️ Attorney

>> Never be afraid to ask questions! A mentor willing to invest time, effort, and energy in you is priceless.

>> Every state has different rules around business and tax policy, so be sure to protect your earnings and reputation.

Not sure where to start? Ask people you respect for referrals and take time to do your research.

💬 Now back to you. Any questions about building your business? Ask away!

This is it. Our final wrap-up of what YOU need to know before attending your next in-person conference. The biggest take...

This is it. Our final wrap-up of what YOU need to know before attending your next in-person conference. The biggest takeaway?
>> Be willing to step out of your comfort zone. Worried about not knowing anyone? You're not the only one! Making the most of your experience requires an open mind & a bit of bravery. You might be surprised to see what happens when you reach out to connect with others. The hotel elevator is a great way to break the ice with fellow attendees. You never know who you'll meet if you're not afraid to say hello.
On the flip side, if you're a long-time attendee, be sure to reach out to the new folks. Introduce them to your friends & colleagues!
🏆 Whether you're a seasoned pro or brand new to the conference universe, I want to hear from you! Share your comments & questions below.

Event planners typically pack A LOT of content into a 1-2 day conference. Preparing to attend one? >> Remember to rest &...

Event planners typically pack A LOT of content into a 1-2 day conference. Preparing to attend one?
>> Remember to rest & recharge when you can. Take advantage of breaks to regroup in your room. Clear out anything you no longer need in your tote. Drink plenty of water & kick your feet up for a few minutes. Being "on" can be physically & mentally draining, especially in CT (Covid Times). Check in with yourself to make sure you don't overdo it.
Conferences can be incredibly rewarding, but they can also exhaust you. How do YOU manage it all? I want to hear from you—please share below.

More conference tips coming in hot! Keep these in mind as you prepare!>> Pack at least one more change of clothes than y...

More conference tips coming in hot! Keep these in mind as you prepare!
>> Pack at least one more change of clothes than you think you'll need. You never know! I've seen too many glasses of red wine spilled on folks to not be prepared. Extra layers often come in handy since convention centers & hotels tend to run cold.
>> Bring your own tote so it's easy to find in the sea of free swag bags. Inside your tote (& your name badge!) stash plenty of business cards to share with your new contacts.
>> Bonus safety tip: remove your name tag as soon as you leave the convention center to avoid being labeled an easy mark as a tourist.
Have a question about what we've covered so far? Comment below!

Perfect weather for a rooftop reception tonight in downtown Columbus. This is one of our favorite spots in the city - a ...

Perfect weather for a rooftop reception tonight in downtown Columbus. This is one of our favorite spots in the city - a hidden gem to host a client event!

Preparing to attend a big conference or convention? Be sure to bring these 2 key items with you!>> Water. Staying hydrat...

Preparing to attend a big conference or convention? Be sure to bring these 2 key items with you!
>> Water. Staying hydrated is important. You'll be doing a ton of walking & talking while you network with colleagues or visit exhibitors. Carry a reusable water bottle with you & drink up to feel your best.
>> Pack food. While the receptions & dinners may offer an excellent array of dining options, it's often not enough to make a complete meal—especially when you're focused on networking & moving around the room. Prevent hanger (getting angry when you're hungry!) by bringing a few healthy snacks with you. You might be surprised by the difference a granola bar & fruit can make to prevent ordering a greasy room service burger around midnight.

In-person events are back & they might look and feel a bit different than you remember! Heading to a conference? This we...

In-person events are back & they might look and feel a bit different than you remember! Heading to a conference? This week you'll find a roundup of all-star tips to make the most of your experience, starting with what to wear.
>> The first big secret? Comfortable shoes. 👟Seriously. It's possible to find stylish shoes that are actually supportive now—but don't get too caught up in looks, you're attending a business conference, not Paris Fashion Week.
Convention centers are huge & you'll spend HOURS on your feet. Even changing shoes halfway through the day can refresh how you feel & save you from pain.
Ok, that's a wrap for now. Stay tuned for the next hot tip tomorrow!

Working from home? Way before CT (Covid Times), I started operating Event In Site from my guest bedroom in Ohio. Over th...

Working from home? Way before CT (Covid Times), I started operating Event In Site from my guest bedroom in Ohio. Over the past 15 years, I figured out how to make Monday-Friday a whole less stressful & more rewarding. Want in on this?
>> Find a space you can dedicate to work. Preferably one with a door you can close & walk away from at the end of your day. Don't have one? A kitchen table works too! Today I work from the basement & it's pretty amazing.
>> Choose a comfortable chair. You’ll be sitting in one place for a while, & I’ve learned the hard way that kitchen chairs aren’t exactly designed for 8 hours of continual use.
>> Create a routine & do your best to stick with it. Practice signals that help you transition in & out of work mode. For me, that can look like lighting my favorite candle or turning on music.
>> Know that there will always be distractions from laundry that needs folding to a kiddo looking for a snack. Heck, when I first started working from home, every cluttered drawer suddenly called out to me to be rearranged. Lol! If you struggle with focus, try the Pomodoro Technique by focusing on a task for an *uninterrupted* 25 minutes before taking a 5-minute break. Set the timer & give it a whirl.
>> Reach out to friends. Working from home can be isolating. That's why it's important to keep connected! Slack, Zoom chats, FB groups, & 1:1 phone dates are all great ways to keep in touch.
📣 Now I want to hear from YOU. Share your all-star work-from-home tips below!

📷 Credit: Ken Tomita via Pexels

Event planner friends, this one’s for you! We’re counting down the top 4 tips you need to know about working with A/V pr...

Event planner friends, this one’s for you! We’re counting down the top 4 tips you need to know about working with A/V pros at your next event. Missed the first 2? You’ll find ‘em on my feed—swing by and say hi! Now for the good stuff:
#3—CAREFULLY REVIEW QUOTES. Request quotes in writing & don’t be afraid to ask clarifying questions or request revisions. Save serious dollars by making sure your final agreement includes everything you need for your event—and nothing you don't.
#4—NAIL YOUR TIMELINE. Be sure there’s enough time for set-up and teardown of your event. Work with the facility's sales team to block enough time & space for load-in and set up to make your event look beautiful and run smoothly.

🍔 BONUS TIP—Feed the A/V crew a meal before your event begins & they’ll be eternally grateful. Remember to thank these hard-working pros after the event too! After all, they’re the behind-the-scenes heroes who keep the screens running and microphones from buzzing. Spending time & energy on these relationships goes a long way.

💬 Ok, now I’d love to hear from you! What event topics would you like me to cover next?


Columbus, OH

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm




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Our Story

Top-notch service, communication, and attention to detail keep our clients excited to work with us year after year. We are passionate about our work and providing the best possible experience for your attendees.