Naadam Music Festival

Naadam Music Festival The first ever Naadam Music Festival in the beautiful Parkway Bank Park Entertainment District in Ro


Thank you all who came out to celebrate Naadam with us at the Naadam Music Festival! The party isn't over yet...

Naadam Music Festival artist!

Naadam Music Festival artist!


Наадaм хөгжмийн наадам 7-р сарын 10-нд АНУ-ын Роземонт хотын Parkway Bank Park Entertainment дүүрэгт болж, үдэшлэг 7-р сарын 11 хүртэл үргэлжилнэ. Наадмын эхний хэсэг нь Parkway Bank Live Stage-ийн гадаа зүлгэн дээр болно.

Оройн 17:30 цагт үүд хаалга нээгдэж, тоглолт 18:30 цагт эхэлж 21:00 цаг хүртэл үргэлжилнэ. Хөгжим тэнд зогсохгүй! Наадмын хоёр дахь хэсэг нь Joe's Live тайзан дээр 21:00 цагт эхэлж, 12:00 цаг хүртэл үргэлжлэх болно. Тэндээс шөнийн 02:00 цаг хүртэл амьд DJ хөгжим тоглогдох болно.

👫👫 Зочид 👫👫
Наадмын гадаа талбайд бүх насны зочдыг урьж байна. Наадмын доторх хэсэг нь 18-аас дээш насны зочдод нээлттэй.

🚗 Машины зогсоол 🚗
Parkway Bank Park дахь гаражид зогсоол үнэ төлбөргүй - таны тасалбарыг Joe's Live дотор байрлах машинаас хүссэн үедээ баталгаажуулах боломжтой.

💙 Ерөнхий тасалбар 💙
- Наадмын хоёр үе шатыг үзэх боломжтой
- Parkway Bank Park шууд тайзан дээр 18:30-21:00 (гадаа)
- 21:30-14:00 Joe's Live танхимын тайзан дээр
Тасалбар / дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг манай вэбсайтаас авна уу

🤍 VIP Silver 🤍
VIP мөнгөн багц
- бүх VIP болон ерөнхий газруудад нэвтрэх
- буфет маягийн оройн хоол
- худалдан авах дээд зэрэглэлийн ундааны сонголтууд
- уран бүтээлчидтэй уулзаж, мэндчилгээ дэвшүүлнэ
(312) 659-0688 руу залгаарай!
ердөө 130 ширхэг боломжтой

💛 VIP Gold 💛
VIP алтан багц
- бүх VIP бүсэд нэвтрэх, ерөнхий элсэлт
- Дотор тайзыг дээд зэргээр үзэх онцгой люкс
- буфет маягийн оройн хоол
- 1 шил кабернет совиньон, 1 шил пино нуар
- Стелла тус бүрд хувин шар айраг
- худалдан авах дээд зэрэглэлийн ундааны сонголтууд
- уран бүтээлчидтэй уулзаж, мэндчилгээ дэвшүүлнэ
Тасалбарыг )312) 659-0688 руу залгаарай! Зөвхөн 70 ширхэг боломжтой- бүх VIP болон ерөнхий газруудад нэвтрэх
суудал (suite)(боломжтой

We are giving away 6 tickets to the Naadam Music Festival this weekend—two Gold tickets, two Silver tickets, and two Gen...

We are giving away 6 tickets to the Naadam Music Festival this weekend—two Gold tickets, two Silver tickets, and two General Admission tickets! 🤩 🎟️

In order to enter the giveaway:
- Like this post 👍
- Follow the Naadam Music Festival account 🇲🇳
- Share this post on your account or story 🖼️
- Tag 3 friends in the comments 👫
- Tag more friends to earn an additional entry in the giveaway! 😊

Winner will be direct messaged by the end of the day! ☀️

The first place winner of the giveaway will earn the two Gold tickets 🥇, the second place winner will earn the two Silver tickets 🥈, and the third place winner will earn the two General Admissions tickets🥉!

Meet our exciting Artist.

Meet our exciting Artist.


Check out our guide to the Naadam Music Festival, taking place this weekend on July 10th!

Check out our guide to the Naadam Music Festival, taking place this weekend on July 10th!

Introducing: TserendavaaTserendavaa is an artist that seamlessly volleys between pop and rock genres, all while staying ...

Introducing: Tserendavaa

Tserendavaa is an artist that seamlessly volleys between pop and rock genres, all while staying true to classic 90s hits. Tserendavaa is a member of the band Bolor, a fan-favorite of many girls in Mongolia because of their silky, melodic songs.

Introducing: GanbaaGanbaa is a rapper from the acclaimed Mongolian band Har Tas. Har Tas, a popular hip-hop group, is ce...

Introducing: Ganbaa

Ganbaa is a rapper from the acclaimed Mongolian band Har Tas. Har Tas, a popular hip-hop group, is celebrating its 30th anniversary as a band this year! Ganbaa will be performing his own raps as well as his features in Har Tas’s hit songs at Naadam Music Festival.

Introducing: BXBX is a talented R&B singer and rapper from Mongolia. BX has been featured on hit songs such as “Etsesgui...

Introducing: BX

BX is a talented R&B singer and rapper from Mongolia. BX has been featured on hit songs such as “Etsesgui”, and has also performed worldwide, from Mongolia to London! Fans can soon hear BX’s smooth voice at Naadam.

Introducing: DJ Eric EDJ Eric E is an independent DJ based in Chicago. He artfully mixes house music, creating hypnotizi...

Introducing: DJ Eric E

DJ Eric E is an independent DJ based in Chicago. He artfully mixes house music, creating hypnotizing beats. DJ Eric E also ventures into progessive and electro genres, often incorporating these sounds into his house music DJ sets.

Хүндэт Таныг  Chicago хотод анх удаа зохиогдож буй “Наадам” Хөгжмийн Фестивальд урьж байна!Америк болон Монгол гуч гаруй...

Хүндэт Таныг Chicago хотод анх удаа зохиогдож буй “Наадам” Хөгжмийн Фестивальд урьж байна!
Америк болон Монгол гуч гаруй уран бүтээлчид, дуучид хөгжимчид, хамтлаг DJ артистууд хамтран хоёр тайзаар цэнгүүнийг зохион байгуулна.
“Наадам” хөгжмийн фестифаль 7 сарын 10 ны Ням гарагт Rosemont Entertainment District дээр болно.
Үүнд :
17:30 Хаалга нээгдэнэ.
18:30 “ Parkway Bank Park” тайзнаа задгай талбай дахь концерт
21:00-шөнийн 2:00 хүртэл “Joe’s Live” концертийн танхимд , дотор тайзнаа хөгжмийн цэнгүүн үргэлжилнэ.
Хаяг :
Parkway Bank Park
5501 Park Pl
Rosemont, IL 60018

Тасалбарын үнэ: Урьдчилж авахад
Хаалган дээр $70
Мөн та гэр бүл, найз нөхөд хамт олноороо
амтат хоол, улаан цагаан дарс,шар айраг бүхий багцыг авах боломжтой.
312-659-0688 дугаарын утсаар бүрэн мэдээлэл авна уу !
Parking үнэгүй

Introducing: DJ ChikeDJ Chike is an independent producer, composer, and DJ based in Chicago. Born in Ulaanbaatar, Mongol...

Introducing: DJ Chike

DJ Chike is an independent producer, composer, and DJ based in Chicago. Born in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia and with a Music Composition degree from Columbia College Chicago, DJ Chike strives to both incorporate native Mongolian and Chicagoan influences into his music.

Introducing: MC ZuluMC Zulu is a Reggae artist known for his combination of Reggae vocals with various forms of experime...

Introducing: MC Zulu

MC Zulu is a Reggae artist known for his combination of Reggae vocals with various forms of experimental Dance music. Unlike other lyricists who identified with their chosen genre, MC Zulu would freely write and give his acapellas for remixes. This genre became increasingly popular, and Zulu would eventually give it the name “Electro Reggae”, using Sly & Robbie’s term. The collaboration of producers and acapellas of many artists helped change the understanding of what dance music could be.

Introducing: Child of VisionChild of Vision is a local Chicago-based band, known for their blues and rock renditions of ...

Introducing: Child of Vision

Child of Vision is a local Chicago-based band, known for their blues and rock renditions of classic American hits. The band is a group of lifelong musicians that has just recently all banded together. Child of Vision loves to entertain people and are ecstatic to help celebrate Mongolian culture at Naadam.

Introducing: Soyombo Soyombo is a local Chicago band that was founded in 2010.. The pop-rock band incorporates tradition...

Introducing: Soyombo

Soyombo is a local Chicago band that was founded in 2010.. The pop-rock band incorporates traditional instruments such as the horse-head fiddle, yatga, and shanz into their original songs as well as their covers of famous Mongolian hits.

Introducing: 9Teen90 9Teen90 is an electronic music producer and rapper based in Chicago. His collaborations with famous...

Introducing: 9Teen90

9Teen90 is an electronic music producer and rapper based in Chicago. His collaborations with famous Mongolian artists such as Uka have racked up hundreds of thousands of views on Youtube, and his DJ sets have taken place across the country, from Chicago to LA.

Introducing: Tjei ManasTjei Manas, a Mongolian rapper and DJ, will also be performing with Mekh ZakhQ. With performances...

Introducing: Tjei Manas

Tjei Manas, a Mongolian rapper and DJ, will also be performing with Mekh ZakhQ. With performances at major music festivals such as Playtime Festival under his belt, Tjei Manas will be bringing his experience and talent to Naadam Music Festival.

Introducing: XTRACK XTRACK is an accomplished rapper from Mongolia, sought out by many popular DJs and producers for his...

Introducing: XTRACK

XTRACK is an accomplished rapper from Mongolia, sought out by many popular DJs and producers for his confident tone and clever lyricism. He will be performing his hit collaborations such as “Nis Nis” with Mekh ZakhQ at Naadam Music Festival.

Introducing: Mekh ZakhQ!Mekh ZakhQ is a jack-of-all-trades. As a rapper, producer, performer, writer, and collaborator, ...

Introducing: Mekh ZakhQ!

Mekh ZakhQ is a jack-of-all-trades. As a rapper, producer, performer, writer, and collaborator, Mekh ZakhQ has made a name for himself in both Mongolia and the United States. His lyrics have been sought out by countless famous Mongolian singers, the likes of which have also been featured on his own songs. Mekh ZakhQ also produces all of his own music, often rapping on them himself.

Introducing: Ebby!Ebby is a Mongolian pop vocalist and songwriter, who writes all of the songs that he performs. His CDs...

Introducing: Ebby!

Ebby is a Mongolian pop vocalist and songwriter, who writes all of the songs that he performs. His CDs, recordings, and LP have garnered many listeners and are available on platforms such as Youtube and Spotify.

Introducing: Tsadig!Tsadig is a Mongolian, progressive rock band based in San Francisco. Incorporating traditional Mongo...

Introducing: Tsadig!

Tsadig is a Mongolian, progressive rock band based in San Francisco. Incorporating traditional Mongolian instruments such as the horsehead fiddle and authentic techniques such as throat singing, Tsadig masterfully weaves Mongolian culture into rock music.

Introducing our opener for Naadam: Otgonbaatar! Otgonbaatar is a throat singer and horse-head fiddler originally from Ch...

Introducing our opener for Naadam: Otgonbaatar!

Otgonbaatar is a throat singer and horse-head fiddler originally from Chicago. Now, Otgonbaatar is dedicated to preserving and disseminating traditional Mongolian culture, rearing his own horse-head fiddling school where he teaches horse head fiddle methods to young Chicago students.

The shanz is a Mongolian string instrument composed of three silk strings that make a beautiful, melodic rattling sound,...

The shanz is a Mongolian string instrument composed of three silk strings that make a beautiful, melodic rattling sound, intended to capture an audience’s attention. Similar to a lute, the shanz has a long, spiked neck that connects to an oval wooden frame, customarily made out of snake skin. The authentic sounds of the shanz can be heard at the Naadam Music Festival, taking place on July 10th at the Parkway Bank Park Entertainment District in Rosemont Illinois.

Traditional Mongolian Musical Instrument Shanz with Modern Twist Mongolian Tune - "Sandy Desert". Have you been before the "Gobi Desert"? The instrument "Sh...


The Yatga is a traditional Mongolian instrument, or more specifically, zither. A yatga performer would pluck the strings with the fingernails of the right hand, while putting pressure on the strings with the left hand. Historically, a yatga with 12 or more strings was reserved for the court and monasteries, while commoners were to play on a 10-stringed yatga. However, the most common type of yatga in contemporary use is the 21-stringed version. It makes a beautiful sound similar to the harp, and we hope you’ll be able to listen to it at Naadam!


Parkway Bank Park Entertainment District
Des Plaines, IL


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